CONTEST: The 1st Annual QUEST for the BEST whisky bar in Vancouver, powered by Tangoo


The Whisky Wisemen present:

The 1st Annual QUEST for the BEST Whisky Bar in Vancouver, powered by our good friends at Tangoo

We've compiled and curated a list of the top 20 whisky spots in the city (see full list in footer below), and we need YOUR help to decide which is the best!

To help us choose the best whisky bar in Vancouver we are going to use the Tangoo App, your personal pocket concierge that you can download onto your phone. Follow the steps below to enter:

1. Download the free Tangoo App

2. Select “Whisky” as your experience category 

3. Try whisky at any of the 20 nominated places, and Upvote them if you would consider them great for whisky!

Each place you Upvote enters you to win a VIP invite to a private party hosted by the Whisky Wisemen and Tangoo, along with a free private educational class on Whisky, prior to the event, and a Glenmorangie survival kit, featuring 4 glasses, ice bucket, water dram and tongs ($150 value).

Contest entries will be accepted until 11:59 p.m. PST on April 5, 2015. One grand prize winner will be chosen at random and contacted through the platform they enter by.

For more information, visit the Vancity Buzz article here.

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