Whisky Wisemen Society is a not-for-profit organization started in Vancouver and founded on a love for whisky and the desire to share that with a like-minded community once a month. We didn't just want to sit around drinking without purpose but rather we wanted to make sure we were also doing something to improve ourselves and for the betterment of our community.
Since January 2013, we've hosted #socialwhisky events on the #thirdThursday of every month in Vancouver's historic Gastown district. Since then, we have expanded to several other new cities, opening Chapters in Calgary, Toronto, Vancouver, Miami and the Cayman Islands.
We aim to encourage every individual to push the boundaries in their own personal and professional lives in order to reach their maximum potential. Our value proposition to everyone is to do one thing each day that betters you and the community you live in. No matter what your situation in life we believe it is always possible to help others and to view the world holding a glass half full.